发布时间:2024-02-02 来源:Source: FDA; RF 作者:
FDA在2024年1月31日发布了QMSR终版规则(Quality Management System Regulation: Final Rule Amending the Quality System Regulation,全文下载地址:https://public-inspection.federalregister.gov/2024-01709.pdf),QMSR修订了FDA 在其质量体系(Quality System,QS)法规下的现行医疗器械良好生产规范(Current Medical Device Good Manufacturing Practice,CGMP)的期望,使之与ISO 13485:2016保持一致。
FDA的医疗器械和放射健康中心(Center for Devices and Radiological Health,CDRH)主任Jeff Shuren表示:这个终版规则是FDA为促进器械监管的全球协调而采取的最新举措,以帮助确保患者和医疗保健提供者能够及时并持续地获得安全、有效和高质量的医疗器械,无论是在美国国内还是国外。通过使医疗器械制造商的质量管理系统的关键领域与国际标准相协调,FDA正在简化器械制造商必须采取的行动,以满足多个不同监管机构的要求。
终版规则将于2026年2月2日生效。FDA表示,ISO 13485中的要求与FDA的QS法规中的要求大致相同,这意味医疗器械制造商的质量管理系统符合FDA的监管期望。新的QMSR终版规则保留了QS法规的适用范围,同时也修改了大量条款。
“我们也正在修改法规的标题,并建立额外的要求和条款,以阐明ISO 13485中使用的某些期望和某些概念,”FDA补充说明。
FDA在1996年首次制定了QS法规,以建立控制和运营医疗器械制造场所的要求。QS法规还详细规定了设计、制造、包装、标签、存储、安装和维修医疗器械的要求。同年,ISO(International Organization for Standardization,国际标准化组织)也发布了第一个版本的ISO 13485标准,这个标准已经在过去的几年中发生了显著的变化。随着ISO 13485在2016年进行了更新,FDA表示QS法规和ISO的标准显得更加一致了。
FDA通过修改21 CFR Part 820的部分条款以引用ISO 13485中的质量管理体系(Quality Management System,QMS)要求,使得新的QMSR终版规则可以替换QS法规。当前,ISO 13485被许多国家的监管机构采用,作为器械制造商和监管机构的QMS要求的基础,并在医疗器械单一审计计划(the Medical Device Single Audit Program,MDSAP)等监管协调计划中使用。
FDA一直希望器械制造商在其QMS和整个产品生命周期中整合风险管理活动。FDA发言人Kristina Wieghmink表示,FDA在1996年的QS法规终版规则中已经讨论了风险管理和基于风险的决策,并建立了当前的QS要求。QS法规在§ 820.30(g) (21 CFR 820.30(g))中明确提到了风险管理活动。在采纳ISO 13485的过程中,QMSR终版规则在要求中也整合了风险管理,并明确强调风险管理活动和基于风险的决策作为有效质量系统的重要元素。Wieghmink指出,FDA并不认为QMSR是对其QS法规增加的额外要求,而是这些要求现在更明确地纳入到法规中。
她补充说,QMSR终版规则并没有增加新的要求,而是重新整合了要求,并改变了描述的措辞,以更好地符合FDA的期望。这次更新也没有与其他适用的监管要求产生任何不一致性。终版规则澄清了组合产品的QMS要求,但这些要求并不影响组合产品的CGMP要求。 除了简化各监管体系的良好制造要求(Good Manufacturing Practice,GMP)外,FDA还期望这种协调将每年为医疗技术行业节省数亿美元。FDA估计,按7%的折扣率计算,该规则每年将节省约5.32亿美元,按3%的折扣率计算,每年将节省5.54亿美元。。 这个规则有望与其他和监管相关的程序看齐,能为行业带来额外的成本节省。
Q: Why is the FDA taking this action?
A: The FDA is focused on advancing and continually improving the quality, safety, and effectiveness of medical devices to meet patient needs. This action, if finalized, will harmonize key areas of a device manufacturer’s Quality Management System and will more closely align the United States with many other regulatory authorities around the world.
Q: What is the FDA doing to prepare for harmonization of the Quality System regulation with ISO 13485?
A: The FDA intends to engage in a variety of implementation activities including, updating information technology systems, training FDA staff responsible for assessing compliance with medical device quality management system requirements, developing an inspection process, revising relevant regulations and other documents impacted by this rulemaking, and communicating and educating stakeholders, including affected FDA staff, on the change.
问:FDA正在采取哪些措施来准备质量体系法规与ISO 13485的协调一致?
Q: What training will FDA staff do?
A: FDA staff will be trained on the final rule, the revised inspection process and changes to associated policies and procedures. Additionally, broader Quality Management System trainings have been, and will continue to be, deployed within the FDA to familiarize affected staff with quality management system concepts and requirements.
Q: How will this rule impact FDA staff and programs?
A: FDA will continue to conduct its operations to protect public health, including inspections, incorporating the requirements of the rule. The greatest impact will likely be to internal trainings, which will be needed to familiarize staff with the new regulation as well as any updates to procedures, processes, and policies as a result of the change.
Q: Will there be a new inspection process?
A: FDA will develop a new inspection process to align with the requirements of the new Quality Management System Regulation (QMSR). The process will be developed for implementation when the rule takes effect (i.e., two years from publication).
Q: Now that FDA has incorporated ISO 13485:2016, what happens if the standard is revised?
A: Any future revisions to this standard would need to be evaluated to determine the impact of the changes and whether the QMSR should be amended. If needed, amendments to the QMSR will be implemented through rulemaking.
问:既然FDA已纳入ISO 13485:2016,如果该标准进行修订会怎样?
Q: When will the new regulation be effective?
A: The rule is effective two years after publication in the Federal Register. Until then manufacturers are required to comply with the QS regulation. The FDA will begin to enforce the QMSR requirements upon the effective date, February 2, 2026.
Source: FDA; RF